[IEEE Trans. on Information Theory, September 1994, pp. 1647-1649]

Number of Nearest Neighbors in a Euclidean Code

Kenneth Zeger and Allen Gersho


A Euclidean code is a finite set of points in n-dimensional Euclidean space, $R^n$. The total number of nearest neighbors of a given codepoint in the code is called its touching number. We show that the maximum number of codepoints $F_n$ that can share the same nearest neighbor codepoint is equal to the maximum kissing number $\tau_n$ in n dimensions, that is, the maximum number of unit spheres that can touch a given unit sphere without overlapping. We then apply a known upper bound on $\tau_n$ to obtain $F_n \leq 2^{n(0.401 + o(1))}$, which improves upon the best known upper bound of $F_n \leq 2^{n(1+o(1))}$. We also show that the average touching number T of all the points in a Euclidean code is upper bounded by $\tau_n$.