[IEEE Trans. on Information Theory, March 1996, pp. 480-487]

On the Cost of Finite Block Length in Quantizing Unbounded Memoryless Sources

Tamás Linder and Kenneth Zeger


The problem of fixed-rate block quantization of an unbounded real memoryless source is studied. It is proved that if the source has a finite sixth moment, then there exists a sequence of quantizers $Q_n$ of increasing dimension n and fixed rate R such that the mean squared distortion $\Delta(Q_n)$ is bounded as $\Delta(Q_n)\leq D(R)+ O(\sqrt{\log n/n})$, where D(R) is the distortion-rate function of the source. Applications of this result include the evaluation of the distortion redundancy of fixed-rate universal quantizers, and the generalization to the non-Gaussian case of a result of Wyner on the transmission of a quantized Gaussian source over a memoryless channel.