[IEEE Trans. on Information Theory, November 2000, pp. 2697-2704]

On Source Coding with Side Information Dependent Distortion Measures

Tamás Linder, Ram Zamir, and Kenneth Zeger


High resolution bounds in lossy coding of a real memoryless source are considered when side information is present. Let $X$ be a ``smooth'' source and let $Y$ be the side information. First we treat the case when both the encoder and the decoder have access to $Y$ and we establish an asymptotically tight (high-resolution) formula for the conditional rate-distortion function $R_{X|Y}(D)$ for a class of locally quadratic distortion measures which may be {\em functions of the side information}. We then consider the case when only the decoder has access to the side information (i.e., the ``Wyner-Ziv problem''). For side information dependent distortion measures, we give an explicit formula which tightly approximates the Wyner-Ziv rate-distortion function $R^{\rm WZ}(D)$ for small $D$ under some assumptions on the joint distribution of $X$ and $Y$. These results demonstrate that for side information dependent distortion measures the rate loss $R^{\rm WZ}(D)-R_{X|Y}(D)$ can be bounded away from zero in the limit of small $D$. This contrasts the case of distortion measures which do not depend on the side information where the rate loss vanishes as $D\to 0$.