ENG 100E: Technical Public Speaking

Spring Quarter, 2017

Instructor: Pamela Cosman
Phone: 822-0157, e-mail: pcosman@eng.ucsd.edu
Office hour: Thursday 10-11, and by appointment
Office location: EBU-1, Room 6607

Course Requirements and Grading:
3 main speeches 45%

3 speech evaluations 5%
3 introductions 5%
Attendance and participation 45%

Note: This course relies on students giving presentations, and watching and listening to other students give presentations. Students will learn a great deal from giving feedback to other students, and from hearing the feedback given to other students. For this reason, attendance is extremely important in this course. One unexcused absence can be made up if you go as a guest to one of the weekly meetings of the UCSD Torrey Pines Speakers Toastmasters Club which meets Wednesdays at 12 noon in Atkinson Hall.

Guest Lectures:

Required Reading & Viewing Materials:

A few additional items will be added.

Public Speaking Opportunity: Splash at UCSD: